Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On to the rafters

We got quite a bit done today. We started by cutting back the roof more to get better access to the ends of the existing trusses, then removed the nails holding them to the top plate of the back wall. Once the nails were out, we pounded on the hangers that connect the existing trusses to the new girder truss.

With the girder truss in place, we then positioned the common trusses and built a 2x6 beam and rafters onto the existing roof. This picture shows half of that, but we actually finished it before quitting for dinner.

The kitchen cabinets were delivered today, so they're sitting in the driveway under a canopy. Hopefully we'll make a lot of headway on the final beam and 2x12 rafters tomorrow so we can get our roof on by Saturday or Sunday. We have one last day of rain to deal with on Friday, so we'll probably have to get a large tarp at Home Depot in the morning when we place the order for the windows.


gracerx said...

Remind me to hire you and your Dad when we need to do another addition. You guys seem to have your shit together, as opposed to the thieving morons that did ours.

Jared said...

I imagine we have quite a different set of motivations than your contractors. =)